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Diskusná téma Wandering through Slovakia

Diskusná téma Wandering through Slovakia

Ahoj všetci! I understand the Slovak, but unfortunately I can not write correctly in this language. You can reply in Slovak.

In early May my wife and I will hiking in the Slovak mountains. This will be our second (my third) long-distance trip in Slovakia. Together we have been traveling around Spiš (Ľubovnianska vrchovina - Levočské vrchy - Slovenský raj) and I alone wandered along the E8 trail.

This time we are going from Bratislava to Žilina (Cesta hrdinov SNP - Lúčanská Fatra).

I have a few questions for you:

  1. Bratislava - can you recommend a good traditional restaurant and an atmospheric cafe that is not crowded with tourists?

  2. Bukova - What is your opinion about the campsite there? On the website is info that campig is closed until 15.06? Is it true? Also - is a grocery store in Bukova?

  3. Myjava - is a public shower in this town?

  4. Trenčín - What is your opinion about the campsite there?

  5. Čičmany - is there a grocery store?

  6. Útulňa pod Kľakom - Has anyone been there lately? We want to stay there for one day.

  7. Grandhotel Partyzán - Has anyone been there lately?

  8. Splavovanie Váhu - We end our trip in Strečno and we want kayaking on Váh. Any suggestions on where to start and where to go?

And that's all for now. I'm waiting for your advice?


Public showers are also sometimes available on gas stations for truckers, maily on major roads. However I have no idea if there is a public source with list of such places.

Vlado z NZ

k tým kajakom:
toto sú vraj najobľúbenejšie úseky na SK:
Váh sa splavuje v dvoch obľúbených úsekoch
•14km úsek Lipovec - Strečno), splav trvá približne 1,5 hodiny a nie je vhodný pre deti (WW2+)
•11 km liptovský úsek Červený kút - Uhorská ves v závislosti od hladiny trvá 1,5 - 2 hodiny

Orava - úsek od Parnice do Kraľovian meria približne 8,5 kilometra a splav trvá okolo 1,5 hodiny. Tento úsek je vhodný aj pre deti a neplavcov, preto je možné splav natiahnuť aj na dlhšie.

Dunajec - úsek z Červeného kláštora do Lesnice je dlhý asi 11 kilometrov a vyznačuje sa nádhernou prírodou Pieninského národného parku.

Belá - najdivokejšia rieka na Slovensku, ktorej hladina sa mení nepretržite a tak predstavuje výzvu aj pre najskúsenejších vodákov. Zjazdná je zvyčajne len v období apríl-máj, WW2 - WW4

Hron - obľúbený je najmä 15 km úsek Nemecká - Šalková, ktorí je vhodný aj ako víkendový výlet s nízkou náročnosťou pre všetky vekové kategórie.


ale splavovať sa dajú aj iné rieky....


I don't know if there is public shower at Myjava bus or train station...


Veľmi pekne ďakujem :)

@Lubo - I found a shower in Košice at the train station also in Prešov and Bardejov in a public toilets, so I thought it was common in Slovakia. More common than in Poland - that's for sure. :)

And I made a mistake - it should not be E8 but E3. Unfortunately, I probably can not correct this in the previous post. ;/

Maybe it is not a stupid idea to develop a map of public showers in Slovakia :) This can be useful for long-distance hikers. After a week in the mountains when I go to a town just to visit the museum, the shower is useful :)

@blud - I do not have and I do not use FB. Besides, I think the quantity does not change into quality.

@samkoh - Yes, Sviatok práce and Deň víťazstva nad fašizmom :)

And finally a little offtop (I don't want to create a separate thread). I will show you map from my first long-distance hiking in Slovakia.I made this map for the preservation of memories. What do you think?


You've planned a nice trip. Couple of recommendations from me:

1) Avoid traditional Slovak food restaurants in Bratislava. Those are mostly spots for attracting tourists. In case you really want to taste some good tradtional food, you need to go out of town and I am not sure if you've got time for that in your intinerary. There are however good places to eat in the town. Try Foursquare app. I personally recommend Roxor Burger (, U Nas Bistro (, U Kubistu ( or FACH ( The last 2 places are also good places for coffee too. Another nice coffee place is Martinus bookstore on Obchodna street.

2) Would avoid this campsite. Bukova is mostly for fishermen and it is quite a strange place altogether. There is a grocery store in Bukova village, however a better store is available in Dobra Voda. In Bukova you can find a decent pub where food is also served (though I not sure if they cook on weekends).

3) Public showers are not a common thing in Slovakia, so I doubt it. You would be better off to book simple accommodation for such need. Try to something on AirBNB or Booking.

4) Autocamp na Ostrove in Trencin is an OK place to stay, town centre is in walking distance. In case you stay here overnight (not sure if it is necessery while hiking E8) or make a longer break, I recommend Remy's bistro (take a taxi there) - it is probably the best burger vennue in Slovakia.

5) There is a grocery store in Cicmany, however rather small one with narrow opening hours. Best to be visited early in the morning.

6) There is an article about this shalter here:…/javorina_pod_klak… as refered in forum it should be ok:…/javorina_pod_klak…

7) Grandhotel partyzan is in decent shape, it was rebuild recently (after burndown). There is an article about it here:…/grandhotel_partyz… and you can read recent info from readers here:…/grandhotel_partyz…

8) No idea, never tried that :-)


2.krčma v Bukovej je, a aj Jednota. Len počítajte s tým, že na Slovensku budú 1.5. a 8.5. takmer všetky obchody okrem staničných a púmp zatvorené.

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